Empowering Businesses Through Innovative IT Solutions

Experience custom-tailored IT solutions that drive your business forward with our team of seasoned experts. We provide cutting-edge technologies, encompassing software development, web design and development, mobile app creation, as well as online radio and TV installation, all meticulously crafted to suit your unique requirements.
Let our guidance pave the way, allowing you to focus your energies on your core business operations. Elevate your IT solutions to new heights today – reach out to us to initiate the transformation.

Our Cutting-Edge Services

Software Development

ICT Consultancy


Improve and Innovate with the Tech Trends

Davak Consult is an ICT consulting firm that is fully registered with the corporate affairs commision (CAC) with the mission to implement world-class digital solutions to various sectors of life. Over the years, we have been able to partner with many organizations to implement vast ICT solutions such as web design/development, online radio installations, CCTV installations and mobile application development.

Why Choose Davak Consult​


Ideate thinking.



Scattered thoughts but
united in approach

We embrace the diversity of thoughts, ideas, and creativity that come from every corner of our team. We believe that true innovation is born from the collision of varied perspectives and unique insights. Our approach, however, is what weaves these scattered threads of creativity into a harmonious tapestry.Just as individual stars in the night sky might seem disconnected, they all follow the same celestial dance. Similarly, our scattered thoughts are united by a shared commitment to excellence and a common methodology.

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Traffic Growth
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Drive digital growth
through mobile

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Reinventing new business ideas and markets via our phenomenal solutions

ICT Consultancy

Web Engineering

ICT Training

Cloud Computing

Innovative Ideas

Data Security and Privacy

Our client testimonials says it all